INTECUS visualizes environmental technology transfer in the fields of waste management and wastewater
The Federal Environment Agency operates an online-supported GIS visualization to provide information on German and
Rethink technical environmental protection, view waste in the context of resources, and integrate the environment into your business management.
For over 30 years, INTECUS Waste Management and Environment-Integrating Management, along with the INTECUS Engineering Company for Technical Environmental Protection, have stood for strong circular economy concepts. We provide assistance to industry, politics, and business in the development and restructuring of integrated waste strategies. The efficient use of energy and resources is more important than ever before. Together, we develop sustainable, integrated environmental material and waste management for your organization.
The Federal Environment Agency operates an online-supported GIS visualization to provide information on German and
The update of the federal government’s Waste Prevention Program with the participation of the federal
INTECUS was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection of the State
Focusing on environmental and economic efficiency, avoiding waste is always the best option. We analyze what opportunities for waste prevention exist in your organization.
The direct recycling of raw materials in-house helps to keep economic cycles small and efficient. We assess the feasibility of reusing or utilizing raw materials for local energy production.
Efficient processes are the key to any business cycle. We examine where energy and material cycles in your company are not optimized and develop new ideas and processes.
The use of renewable energies is also economically advantageous in the future. This is because the cost of fossil fuels is rising.
Economic cycles are not purely material and substance cycles. In future-oriented companies, knowledge about workflows and processes must also be managed sustainably.
On behalf of the German Environment Agency, INTECUS compiled a collection of information on approaches to sustainable design of municipal waste management and suitable technologies and equipment for this purpose. This collection of information is intended to document the waste management processes and techniques successfully used in Germany in a condensed, systematic manner, to outline their possible applications, and to provide interested parties from both within and outside the country with an opportunity to gain significant insights into the technological framework data in a user-friendly electronic format, as well as to become acquainted with providers of the respective technologies.
INTECUS was commissioned by the German Environment Ministry to revise, update, or recreate the waste management country profiles for the Czech Republic, Morocco, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirates. The new country profiles are now online and are available as a source of information.
We help you save resources.
We work in a timely and precise manner
Close cooperation with you and your team.
For over thirty years, INTECUS has been developing waste management concepts for business, politics, and commerce. Always at the forefront of current technologies and scientific research, we accompany you in the restructuring of your integrated waste strategy.
Network of Excellence “Middle German Waste Management Industry”
Wagner, J.; Steinmetzer, S.; Theophil, L.; Strues, A.-S.; Kösegi, N. u. St. Hoyer (2022): Evaluation of the collection and recovery of selected waste streams for the further development of circular economy
UBA papers 31/2022
Reichenbach, J.; Strues, A.-S.; Wagner, J.; Gomer, L. and P. Bessler (2021): Country profile on waste and water management in Egypt
Published by: uve GmbH für Managementberatung in cooperation with German RETech Partnership and German Water Partnership
Wagner, J.; Richter, R.; Struck, K. u. R. Dinslage (2021): Status report on sewage sludge disposal 2020
Ed.: State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology
Reichenbach, J. (2021): Environmental technology transfer through GIS-based visualization of international best practice examples (waste management) with German participation as a contribution to the Environmental Technologies Export Initiative of the German Federal Government
UBA-Documentations 01/2021,
ed. by the Federal Environment Agency
Kummer, B.; Friege, H.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B. and J. Wagner (2021): How useful is SCIP for waste management?
Recycling-Magazin, 02/2021,
Rückert-John, J.; Ritter, J.; Kröger, M.; Günther, M.; Struck, K.; Wagner, J.; Rödig, L. and D. Jepsen (2020): Identifying sociological determinants of waste prevention and designing target group-specific communication
UBA papers 43/2021
Kummer, B.; Friege, H.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B. and J. Wagner (2021): Does SCIP data benefit waste management?
Umweltmagazin, 03-04/2021, p. 30-32
Gruhler, K.; Reichenbach, J.; Steinmetzer, S. and G. Schiller (2021): Where does the recycling of building products stand in terms of energy?
Bauen+, Issue 2 (March) 2021
Loehle, St.; Brinkmann, J.; Wagner, J. and Le H.A. (2021): Assessment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging Waste in Viet Nam
Friedrich, C.; Wilts, H.; Koop C. and J. Wagner (2021): Support for the Update of the German Waste Prevention Program ed.: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Friege, H., Zeschmar-Lahl, B., Kummer, B. u. J. Wagner (2021): The new European database for chemicals of concern: How useful is SCIP for waste management?
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 21 (2021) 100430
Kummer, B.; Friege, H.; Zeschmar-Lahl, B. and J. Wagner (2021): How useful is SCIP for waste management in Europe?
EU-Recycling, 05/2021, p.6-7
Bimesmeier, T.; Gruhler, K.; Deilmann, C.; Reichenbach, J. u. S. Steinmetzer (2020): Secondary materials from high-rise construction. Energy and material flows along the production and deployment of secondary materials from high-rise construction for the construction sector. Final Report SEROBAU, BBSR/Research initiative for "Zukunft Bau", Volume F 3184. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Publisher.
Wilts, H.; Azak, G.; Feder, L.; Galinski, L.; Nicolas, J.; Schinkel, J.; Steger, S.; Jepsen, D.; Rödig, L.; Knappe, F.; Müller, R.; Wagner, J.; Gsell, M. u. N. Beilke (2020): Updating the Waste Prevention Programme: Preparing the foundations for updating the Waste Prevention Programme
UBA papers 203/2020 by the Federal Environment Agency
Jepsen, D.; Zimmermann, T.; Spengler, L.; Rödig L.; Bliklen, R.; Wagner, J.; Struck, K.; Hiestermann, L. u. H. Schulz (2020): Plastics in the environment – development of a classification for first estimates of the fate of waste and other plastic products in different environmental media
UBA papers 198/2020, ed. by the Federal Environment Agency
Wagner, J. u. S. Steinmetzer (2019) - Relevance of new persistent organic pollutants in waste and their effects on waste classification and disposal methods in Saxony-Anhalt
Project report for the State Office for Environmental Protection Saxony-Anhalt
Wagner, J. u. S. Steinmetzer - Collecting data on the sizes and composition of traditional fires and campfires through community surveys.
UBA papers 11/2018, Ed.: German Environment Agency
Wagner, J. u. Trần Trương Hân (2018) - Development Guidelines for grid-connected power generation projects using solid waste in Viet Nam
Technical assistance for Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority
Ministry of Industry and Trade
MOIT/GIZ Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project
Bilitewski, B.; Wagner, J. u. J. Reichenbach - Best Practice Municipal Waste Management
Information pool on approaches towards a sustainable design of municipal waste management and supporting technologies and equipment
UBA papers 39/2018, Ed.: German Environment Agency
Wagner, J.; Steinmetzer, S.; Knappe, F. u. N. Muchow - Disposal of construction materials with tar-/pitch-typical components.
LfULG publication series, issue 7/2018
Wagner, J.; Günther, M.; Rhein, H.-B. u. P. Meyer - Analysis of the efficiency and suggestions for optimizing collection systems (pickup and delivery systems) for the household-related collection of lightweight packaging and non-packaging materials of the same type based on existing data
UBA papers 37/2018, Ed.: German Environment Agency
Sander, K.; Gößling-Reisemann, St.; Zimmermann, T.; Marscheider-Weidemann, F.; Wilts, H.; Schebeck, L.; Wagner, J.; Heegn, H. u. A. Pehlken - Recycling potentials of strategic metals
UBA papers 68/2017, edit.: Federal Environmental Agency
Schneider, P.; Le Hung A.; Wagner, J.; Reichenbach, J. u. A. Hebner - Solid Waste Management in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Moving towards a Circular Economy?
Information pool on approaches towards a sustainable design of municipal waste management and supporting technologies and equipment
Sustainability 2017, 9(2), 286
Friege, H.; Wagner, J. u. M. Séché - Commercial waste collection activities in focus
RECYCLING magazin 02/2017, p. 26-29
Friege, H.; Wagner, J. u. M. Séché - Consequences of the amendment of the German Waste Management Act for the activities of private and public companies: more or less waste recycling?
in: Müll & Abfall, 01/2017, pages 16-24
Wagner, J.; Kügler, Th.; Müller, R.; Jepsen, D. u. A. Vollmer - Measures to prevent food waste
LfULG publication series, issue 29/2016
Vis M., U. Mantau, B. Allen (Eds.) - Study on the optimised cascading use of wood
No 394/PP/ENT/RCH/14/7689. Final report. Brussels 2016. 337 pages
M. Günther, C. v. Bechtolsheim, F. Wenzel - "Bag in a container" system - European experience and potential for use in Germany
in: Müll & Abfall, 06/2016, pages 302-310
J. Reichenbach - Charging on the continent
Column article on the introduction of a cause-based waste fee system in Dresden. In 'resource magazine', spring issue 2016, issue 84, p.30-32, Resource Media, Bristol, UK
INTECUS - Guidance for decision - making on sewage sludge management
Published by: German Environment Agency
INTECUS - Technical Guide on the treatment and recycling techniques for sludge from municipal waste water treatment
Published by: German Environment Agency
J. Wagner, M. Günther - Potential for success in the collection and recycling of bulky waste
Presentation at the 14th Expert Conference "Collecting, Recycling and Disposing of Bulky Waste" on May 10, 2016 in Jena, Germany.
J. Wagner, H. Friege, M. Séché - Evaluate commercial collection practices considering the requirements of high quality recycling and competitiveness.
UBA papers 31/2016, Published by: German Environment Agency
J. Wagner, U. Lange, M. Günther - Analysis of data collection according to ElektroG over the reporting year 2013 in preparation for the EU reporting obligation 2016
UBA papers 24/2016, Published by: German Environment Agency
G. Schiller, R. Ortlepp, N. Krauß, S. Steger, H. Schütz, J. Reichenbach, F. Müller - Mapping the anthropogenic material stock - A new planing basis in order to optimize the use of secondary raw materials in Germany was developed
in: ReSource, 4/2015, p. 4-10
G. Schiller, R. Ortlepp, N. Krauß, S. Steger, H. Schütz, J. Acosta Fernández, J. Reichenbach, J. Wagner, J. Baumann - Mapping the anthropogenic material stock in Germany in order to optimize the use of secondary raw materials
UBA papers 83/2015, editor: German Environment Agency
J. Wagner, St. Zinkler, Th. Kügler - Revision and updating of the Guidance Document for the Waste Characterization in Saxony
in: Müll und Abfall, 07/2015, p. 385-391
J. Wagner, Th. Kügler, J. Baumann, M. Günther, E. Finke - Directive for the uniform implementation of waste characterization in Saxony
Published by: State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology, 1st ed.
H. Friege, M. Oberdörfer, M. Günther - Optimising waste from electric and electronic equipment collection systems: A comparison of approaches in European countries
Waste Management & Research, March 2015, Vol 33: p. 223-231, first published on February 9, 2015
B. Bilitewski, C. Dornack - Biodigestion of industrial Food Waste – Example of new design and operation
Presentation within the frame of the International Conference of Anaerobic Digestion – AD Technology and microbial ecology for sustainable development in Chiang Mai, Thailand, am February 03rd-06th, 2015, conference proceedings p. 32-33
J. Wagner - Contribution of the circular economy to raw material productivity
Presentation at the conference 'Implementation of the resource strategy - paths to raw material security', TerraTec Leipzig, Congress Center (CCL), January 29, 2015
M. Günther, U. Lange - Waste collection in high-rise buildings - international standards and guidelines
DIN workshop "Buildings, structural infrastructure and urban processes" on 17.11.2014
Th. Kügler - Calculation of waste fees
Presentation to a Lithuanian business tour at Saxony Economic Development Corporation, 12.11.2014, Dresden
B. Bilitewski, Th. Krüger, J. Wagner - Value chain of paper - development and perspectives
Presentation at the 7th Nordhausen Secondary Raw Materials Workshop on 23-24.10.2014 in Nordhausen
J. Wagner, M. Günther - New collection and transport systems - New collection systems for small electrical appliances
Presentation at the conference "Hamburg T.R.E.N.D. 2014" on October 07-08, 2014
J. Reichenbach, J. Wagner, A. Roskosch - Realignment of sewage sludge management in Bulgaria
In: Garbage and Waste, 07/2014, pp. 377-381
J. Wagner, M. Günther, H. Friege - Study on the optimization of the collection of small electronic devices
LANUV Technical Report 52, Northrhine-Westphalian Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protectio, Recklinghausen 2014
INTECUS - National Plan of Sewadge Sludge Utilization in Bulgaria
German Environment Agency, May 2014 (in English and Bulgarian)
H. Friege, M. Oberdörfer, M. Günther - Comparison of collection systems for WEEE
In: Garbage and Waste, 04/2014, pp. 208-215
C. Deilmann, K. Gruhler, N. Krauß, J. Reichenbach - Resource conservation in building construction
ReSource 3/2014, p. 40-46
B. Bilitewski; Th. Kügler - The value chain of paper- development and perspectives
Presentation at the PTS - Cooperation Forum: Interconnected use of natural fibers - Increasing resource efficiency in fiber processing industry 06.03.2014 in Heidenau
K. Sander, S. Schilling, J. Wagner, M. Günther - Measures to optimize the disposal of mercury-containing gas discharge lamps and other types of lamps
Published by: ÖKOPOL GmbH (Institute for Ecology and Politics)
B. Bilitewski - Equivalence of sorting plants, high-quality material recycling, source stream monitoring, against eco-dumping
Presentation at the DGAW South-West Regional Event on 05.02.2014 in Stuttgart
Bilitewski - In the course of time. In the discussion on pollutant sinks, the importance of organic pollutants in waste is increasingly recognized
ReSource, 1/2014, 27. Jg., Rombos-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 12-17.
J. Wagner - Determination of the contribution of waste management to increasing resource productivity, as well as the share of recycling in value creation, while illustrating the utilization and disposal pathways of resource-relevant waste
Presentation at Waste Management Colloquium of TU Dresden at January 23rd, 2014
B. Bilitewski - Significance of pollutant sinks over the course of time
University Professor Dr. Karl E. Lorber - Commemorative publication on the occasion of his retirement, TK Verlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky Neuruppin 2013, p. 277-288
J. Wagner - Experience sharing in the field of integrated solid waste management from Germany
International Workshop Solid Waste Treatment and Management Technology, Workshop, March 11th, 2013 in Can Tho (Vietnam), published in conference proceedings
J. Wagner - Management of landfill leakage water during renaturation of landfills
International Workshop Solid Waste Treatment and Management Technology, Workshop, March 11th, 2013 in Can Tho (Vietnam), published in conference proceedings
J. Wagner, J. Reichenbach - Information base for climate technology market strategies in the German Climate and Technology Initiative (DKTI) - Presentation of study results on the technology field "Waste Management."
Presentation at the GIZ Expert Forum "Potentials of waste management for climate protection and technology cooperation" on May 27, 2013, in Eschborn.
Th. Kügler, J. Wagner, J. Baumann - Possibilities and limits of municipal green waste collection
9th Biogas Conference on November 11-12, 2013, Dresden, Technical University of Dresden
J. Baumann, Th. Kügler - Biogenic substances and wastes in Saxony-Anhalt - Emergence and recovery
In: Garbage and Waste, 07/2013, pp. 340-347
J. Wagner, H. Friege - Possible composition of the recyclables bin using the example of Düsseldorf
USV e.V. - Independent experts on packaging disposal and product responsibility (Ed.), "What value creation can be expected from the recyclable waste bin?", Congress November 6-7, 2012 in Berlin, published in the conference proceedings of USV e.V. Sarstedt.
INTECUS - Biomass potential study Saxony-Anhalt - Biogenic materials and waste in selected industries
Published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Saxony-Anhalt
PDF Download
J. Wagner, K. Heidrich, F. Müller - Increase of resource productivity by utilization of secondary raw materials
In: Garbage and Waste, 09/2012, pp. 528-535
J. Wagner, K. Heidrich, J. Baumann, Th. Kügler, J. Reichenbach - Determination of the contributions of the waste management sector to increasing resource productivity and of the share recycling takes in the value-added chain displaying the paths of recovery
UBA papers 14/2012, UBA-FBNr: 3709 33 316, FKZ: 001608
B. Bilitewski, A. Zahm, V. Grundmann - Risk-based Management of Chemicals and Products in a Circular Economy at a Global Scale
In: Garbage and Waste, 04/2012, pp. 192-195
B. Bilitewski - Significance of pollutant sinks over the course of time
In: Water and Waste, April 2012, pp. 10-15.
J. Wagner, Th. Kügler, K. Heidrich, J. Baumann, M. Günther, Ch. Dornack, V. Grundmann, A. Zentner, U. Lange, A. Zehm K. Heinke, M. Mitschke, St. Zinkler, H. Scholz - Potential of Biodegradable Waste in the Free State Saxony
published by Saxon State Agency for Environment, Agriculture and Geology; Monograph series, Magazine 10/2012
U. Mantau, J. Wagner, B. Bilitewski - Wood flux analysis – a method to analyse material efficiency and carbon sequestration in resource markets
In B. Bilitewski, H. Schnurer, B. Zeschmar-Lahl (Eds.): Waste Handbook - Collection and Transport, Treatment and Disposal, as well as Prevention and Recycling of Waste, Delivery 1/12, Code. 8535.3, E. Schmidt Verlag, January 2012
A. Janz, M. Günther, B. Bilitewski - Reaching cost-saving effects by a mixed collection of light packagings together with residual household waste?
In: Waste Management & Research, Volume 29, Issue 9, September 2011, pp. 982-990.
G. Hoffmann, C. Wünsch, L. Brunn, A. Schnapke, D. Schingnitz, M. Günther, J. Baumann, J. Wagner, B. Bilitewski - Use of Biomass from MSW for Energy Generation
German Environment Agency 33/2011
C. v. Bechtolsheim, I.-K. Charlier, J. Wagner - RE KrWG - Reorganization of biowaste disposal necessary? Part 2: Examination program of the public-law waste management authority for the organizational decision about a separate bio-waste collection
In: Garbage and Waste, 04/2011, pp. 180-184
C. v. Bechtolsheim, I.-K. Charlier, J. Wagner - RE KrWG - Needs for reorganizing the disposal of biowaste? - Part 1: Current development of the legal framework
In: Garbage and Waste, 03/2011, pp. 114-117
J. Reichenbach - Applications of Pay-As-You-Throw in Germany – Saxony and the City of Dresden as Good Practice Examples
Presentation at VIII Jornada de Prevenció de Residus Municipals, Reus (Spain), 23.11.2010
G. Schiller, C. Deilmann, J. Reichenbach, K. Gruhler, P. Röhm, J. Baumann, M. Günther - Determining Resource Conservation Potentials in the Recovery of Construction Waste and Formulating Recommendations on Their Use
German Environment Agency texts 56/2010
J. Wagner - Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of municipal solid waste (MSW) as a possibility to save landfill volume
In: German-Vietnamese workshop "Scientific-technical cooperation in development and implementation of adopted waste management technologies", Saigon University, Ho-Chi-Minh-City, 29.10.2010
J. Wagner, Le Hung Anh - Waste Management in Germany and Vietnam
In: German-Vietnamese workshop "Scientific-technical cooperation in development and implementation of adopted waste management technologies", Saigon University, Ho-Chi-Minh-City, 29.10.2010rn
B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Limits of waste paper recycling
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Nordhausen Secondary Resources Workshop on October 21-22, 2010.
B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Waste paper from waste to raw material
In: Garbage and Waste, April 2010, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, p. 156-159
J. Wagner, Th. Kügler - The composition of waste input in thermal treatment plants in the context of the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG)
In: Proceedings of the 15th Technical Conference on Thermal Waste Treatment on March 9th/10th in Dresden, Contributions to Waste Management/Contaminated Sites, Series of Publications by the Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at TU Dresden, Volume 65, pp. 35-47
B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Waste paper in the course of time
In: K. Fricke, C.-G. Bergs, G. Kosak, R. Wallmann (Eds.): Separate or Burn? Opportunities and Limitations of Material Recovery, Proceedings of the 70th Symposium of the ANS e.V. in Regensburg, September 23-24, 2009, Verlag Orbit e.V., Weimar, 2009, pp. 29-36.
J. Wagner - De-centralized Management of Municipal Solid Waste by Mechanical-biological Treatment as an Option for Maramures?
Presentation at the International Workshop Baia Mare "Tasks and Experience in Environment protection, Revitalisation of mining and industrial sites" on June 25, 2009 in Baia Mare (Romania).
J. Wagner - Waste and environmental management in Africa using the example of PRO Brazza SA - Establishing an organized waste management system.
Presentation as part of the NUM-Compact Conference "Waste and Environmental Management in Africa" on June 22, 2009, in Berlin.
B. Bilitewski - A new Threat from Consumer Goods coming from Closing the Loop in a global Scale
in: Kungolos et.al. (Ed.), Books of Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) & Secotox Conference, Mykonos/Greece, June 21-26, 2009, p. 223
J. Wagner, B. Bilitewski - The temporary storage of municipal solid waste - Recommendations for a safe operation of interim storage facilities
in: Waste Management International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Tech-nology, Vol. 29, No 5, May 2009, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, USA, p. 1693-1701
J. Wagner - Services and experience in building a functional waste management in Vietnam
Lecture as part of two environmental seminars in Hanoi (05.05.2009) and Ho Chi Minh City (08.05.2009)
Th. Kügler, B. Bilitewski - How does paper demand affect the input in incineration plants?
in: Bilitewski / Urban / Faulstich (eds.): Thermal Waste Treatment, Conference proceedings of the 14th Technical Conference from March 10-11, 2009 in Munich, Series of publications from the Waste Technology Department, University of Kassel (distribution), Volume 14, 2009, pp. 189-198
B. Bilitewski, P. Chancerel, F. Groß, A. Janz, V. S. Rotter, W.-P. Schill, J. Wagner - Legal and technical foundations of the ElektroG
Part 3: Requirements for the determination of the individual share of waste equipment in the total quantity of waste equipment per type of equipment by sorting or by scientifically recognized statistical methods,
UBA Texts 14/08
J. Wagner - Company-specific implementation of the electronic waste management proof procedure
Presentation as part of the further education event of the Saxon Association for Environmental Management on 10.12.2008 in Dresden.
J. Reichenbach - Status and prospects of pay-as-you-throw in Europe – A review of pilot research and implementation studies
in: Waste Management International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Technology, Special Issue Section “Pay-As-You-Throw: A Tool for Urban Waste Management”, Vol. 28, No 12, December 2008, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, USA, p. 2809-2814
B. Bilitewski - From traditional to modern fee systems
in: Waste Management International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Technology, Special Issue Section “Pay-As-You-Throw: A Tool for Urban Waste Management”, Vol. 28, No 12, December 2008, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, USA, p. 2760-2766
B. Bilitewski - Special Issue Section “Pay-As-You-Throw: A Tool for Urban Waste Management“
as Guest Editor in: Waste Management International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Technology, Vol. 28, No 12, December 2008, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, USA, p. 2759-2834
D. Schingnitz, G. Hoffmann, M. Gleis and J. Wagner - Emergence and utilisation of RDF in Germany - current situation, prospects
in: proceedings of VENICE 2008 - Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, 17-20 November 2008, CD-ROM edition
J. Wagner - Development of mechanical biological treatment of municipal waste in Latvia on the basis of a pilot-project in Viduskurzemes
Presentation at the conference "The Essence of the Biodegradable Polymers, its Influence on Environment and Implementation Perspective in Latvia" on October 2, 2008 in Riga.
B. Bilitewski - State of the Art of Hazardous Waste Inicineration
in: proceedings of 1st International Conference on “Hazardous Waste Management”, Ed. Gidarakos, Cossu, Stegmann, 1-3 October 2008, Chania/Greece, Technical University of Crete, p. 15-17
B. Bilitewski - The role of universities in improving the waste management situation in developing and emerging countries
in: 11th Dialogue on Waste Management MV, Volume 9, University of Rostock, June 2008, pp. 35-43
B. Bilitewski - Circular Economy: Balancing Development and Environmental Protection
in: proceedings 2nd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer, Hefei University (China), Hefei 5-6 June 2008, p. 1-7
Th. Kügler - Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of different systems for the collection of municipal waste paper
Presentation at the 6th GesPaRec Workshop on Quality Management of Waste Paper, Erftstadt, May 8, 2008
B. Bilitewski - Energy Efficiency
Lecture as part of two training courses of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hanoi (17.04.2008) and Ho Chi Minh City (18.04.2008).
J. Wagner - Cleaner Production
Lecture as part of two training courses of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hanoi (17.04.2008) and Ho Chi Minh City (18.04.2008).
J. Wagner - Mechanical-biological Treatment of Waste– Experiences in Germany
Lecture as part of a DAAD workshop on April 14, 2008 at the Hanoi University of Science
B. Bilitewski Production of Refused Derived Fuel
Lecture as part of a DAAD workshop on April 14, 2008 at the Hanoi University of Science
M. Günther - Waste Management on building sites - German Experiences
Lecture as part of the seminar "Handling Construction and Demolition Waste", March 5, 2008 in Lisbon
B. Bilitewski - Waste management and climate protection – What must the waste management industry achieve?
in: R. Stegmann, G. Rettenberger, W. Bidlingmaier, B. Bilitewski, K. Fricke, K.-U. Heyer (eds.) Landfill Technology 2008, Documentation of the 6th Hamburg Waste Management Days from February 21-22, 2008, Hamburg Reports, Volume 31, Verlag Abfall aktuell Stuttgart, February 2008, pp. 365-387
C. Stefan, C. Hahn, A. Schnapke, G. Hoffmann, D. Schingnitz, J. Fahl, J. Reichenbach, M. Günther, M. Schirmer, M. Gehring, C. Dornack, K. Silabetzschky, P. Werner, B. Bilitewski - Exchange and Knowledge Transfer in the Asian Region
From NANO TECH to MEGA-SITES - Research at the IAA", Contributions to Waste Management/Contaminated Sites Volume 59, Self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden branch Pirna (Distribution), 2008, pp. 192-208
J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski - Fees and fee regulations in waste management
in: Werner/Bilitewski/Stefan (eds.): "From NANO TECH to MEGA-SITES - Research at the IAA", Contributions to Waste Management/Contaminated Sites Volume 59, Self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden branch Pirna (Distribution), 2008, pp. 161-174
J. Wagner - On the Consideration of Environmental Management Aspects in Public Tendering Procedures
Expert article on www.svu-online.de, 2007
B. Bilitewski - CO2 Emission Reduction through Waste Incineration
in: Bilitewski/Werner/Faulstich (eds.): "Waste Management and Climate Protection, Emission Trading - Emission Reduction - Climate Protection Projects", Contributions to Waste Management/Contaminated Sites Volume 52, Proceedings of the Workshop on September 26, 2007 in Dresden, Self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden branch Pirna (Distribution), 2007 pp. 51-63
B. Bilitewski, J. Wagner - Are MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment) plants viable disposal facilities?
in: K. Wiemer, M. Kern (eds.): Bio and Secondary Raw Material Recycling II, Witzenhausen Institute Publisher 2007, pp. 715-720
J. Wagner - Options for Determining Individual Shares per Waste Electrical Equipment
in: Bilitewski/Werner/Janz (eds.): "The Electrical Law and Practice, Monitoring – Initial Treatment - Technology", Contributions to Waste Management/Contaminated Sites Volume 48, Proceedings of the Workshop on March 29, 2007 in Dresden, Self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden branch Pirna (Distribution), 2007 pp. 105-106
B. Bilitewski - Environment and Peace: Balancing Development and Environmental Protection
„The World Peace in the 21st Century: Its Directions and Prospect“, Proceedings to the International Peace Conference 2007 on 14/11/2007 in Seoul/South Korea, Organizer: Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation Academy of East Asian Studies SKKU, 2007 p. 19-38
B. Bilitewski - What is the future of the MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment)?
in: SIDAF (ed.) "Waste Colloquium 2007", October 23-24, 2007, Freiberg, pp. 73-86
B. Bilitewski - The renaissance of thermal waste incineration driven by climate protection
VWEW Conference "Climate-friendly Energy Generation through Modern Waste Management", Lecture on October 17, 2007, Stuttgart
B. Bilitewski - Climate protection potentials through efficiency increase in the waste incineration sector
Böblingen 19-20.7.2007, 68th National Group and Expert Conference 2007, VKS im VKU Landesgruppe Baden-Württemberg, V5, pp. 1-13.
B. Bilitewski - Thermal treatment of waste in Municipal Waste Incineration plants
Proceedings of SECOTOX Conference and the International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics, Volume III, Skiathos Island, Greece, June 24-28 2007,GRAFIMA Publ., Thessaloniki, p. 1549-1555
B. Bilitewski - Incineration of Refuse Derived Fuel – Development, problems and chances
in: Proceedings of SECOTOX Conference and the International Conference on Environmental Management Engineering, Planning and Economics, Volume III, Skiathos Island, Greece, June 24-28 2007,GRAFIMA Publ., Thessaloniki, p. 1543-1548
J. Wagner - Temporary storage of waste – Recommendations for a safe operation of interim storage facilities
Lecture, First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Skiathos Island, Greece, June 24 to 28, 2007, Volume III, p. 1615-1620
A. Karagiannidis, M. Theodoseli, A. Malamakis, B. Bilitewski, J. Reichenbach, T. Nguyen, A. Galang, P. Parayno - Composting in the backyard in Asia: Some lessons learned through Euro-Asian collaboration for the cases of Vietnam and the Philippines
in: P. Lechner, (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd BOKU Waste Conference, 17-19 April 2007, Vienna/Austria, p. 109-119
B. Bilitewski - Has the Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant Failed?
in: Faulstich/Urban/Bilitewski (eds.): Thermal Waste Treatment, Proceedings of the 12th Professional Conference from March 6-7, 2007 in Munich, Publication Series of the Department of Waste Technology University of Kassel (Distribution), Volume 12, 2007, pp. 225-230
M. Günther, R. Glase - Waste Ratios and Prevention Potential in Building Services
in: Waste and Garbage No. 02/2007, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 70-74
M. Günther - Methods for the Determination of Key Data in Waste Management Logistics - an Overview
in: Waste and Garbage No. 07/2006, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 350-353
B. Bilitewski - Marketing of recyclable materials originating from packaging recycling
in: K. Wiemer, M. Kern (eds.): Witzenhausen-Institut - News from Research and Practice "Reorientation of Packaging Recycling", Lecture at the 7th Würzburg Packaging Forum December 12, 2006, Verlag Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie GmbH, Witzenhausen 2006, p. 73-80
B. Bilitewski - State of the art and new developments of waste to energy technologies
in: Biomass and Waste to Energy Symposium 29.11.-01.12.2006, Venice, 2006
B. Bilitewski - Renewable Energies from Waste – Opportunities for the Transformation of Waste Management
in: K. Fricke, C.-G. Bergs, G. Kosak, R. Wallmann, W. Bidlingmaier (eds.): Waste and Resource Management - 1 Year of the German Waste Landfill Ordinance, Proceedings of the 67th Information Meeting of ANS e.V. in Weimar 13-15 September 2006, Verlag Orbit e.V. Weimar, 2006, p. 21-32
B. Bilitewski - Waste to Energy
Internationale Conference „Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII”, 3-7 July 2006 Chania, Greece, Proceedings, S. 1
B. Bilitewski, J. Reichenbach - Can economic motivations enhance citizen’s efforts for waste reduction and diversion?
lecturer in International Waste Management Conference 17.-20. May '06 Dublin 2006
J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Influence of the Collection and Fee System on the Quantity and Quality of Residual Waste
in: K. Wiemer, M. Kern (eds.): Witzenhausen-Institut - New developments in Research and Practice "Bio and Secondary Raw Material Recycling", Lecture at the 18th Kassel Waste Forum 25-27 April 2006, Verlag Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie GmbH, Witzenhausen 2006, p. 623-642
J. Reichenbach, Th. Kügler - Effects of Waste Fee Collection on Disposal Behavior and Development of Residual Waste
Lecture as part of the 6th Saxon Recycling Day of SIDAF Saxon Information and Demonstration Center "Waste Treatment Technologies" on April 6, 2006 in Freiberg, published in the conference proceedings
B. Bilitewski - Calculation of CO2 avoidance costs for the optimization of waste incineration plants.
in: Urban/Bilitewski/Faulstich (eds.): Thermische Abfallbehandlung, Tagungsband der 11. Fachtagung vom 14.-15. März 2006 in München, Schriftenreihe des Fachgebietes Abfalltechnik Universität Kassel (Vertrieb), 2006, pp. 187-196
B. Bilitewski - Development of the substitute fuel
in: R. Stegmann, G. Rettenberger, W. Bidlingmaier, B. Bilitewski, K. Fricke (eds.) Deponietechnik 2006, Dokumentaion der 5. Hamburger Abfallwirtschaftstage vom 10.-11. Januar 2006, Hamburger Berichte, Band 29, Verlag Abfall aktuell Stuttgart, Januar 2006, pp. 325-332
J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler u.a. (Hrsg.) - Handbook on the implementation of Pay-As-You-Throw as a tool for urban waste management
Contributions to Waste Management / Contaminated Sites Volume 39, self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden Branch Office Pirna Copitz (Distribution), January 2005, 181 pages
J. Reichenbach - Pay as you throw. Options, economics and prospects across Europe
In Waste Management World Magazine, March-April 2005 issue, pp. 21-27.
B. Bilitewski, M. Günther - Do we need new collection systems?
Lecture as part of the Freiberg Waste Colloquium, October 6, 2005 in Freiberg, published in the proceedings
B. Bilitewski (Editorial Board) - Waste and Garbage
Journal for treatment and disposal of waste, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, since 2005
B. Bilitewski, M. Schirmer, J. Niestroj, J. Wagner, H. Müller - Ecological effects of waste incineration through energy use
Documentation and research report of the EdDE e.V. Association of Disposal Companies of the German Waste Management Industry Cologne, Issue No. 10, Self-published, 12/2005
J. Wagner - Legal and technical aspects of long-term storage of substitute fuels – Film bales as a technology for quality assurance
In: B. Bilitewski, P. Werner, R. Stegmann, G. Rettenberger (Eds.): Perspectives of Landfills - Closure and Post-Use After 2005, Proceedings of the Conference on 26/27.9.2005, Contributions to Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Volume 42, Self-published by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden Pirna Branch (Distribution), 2005, p. 128-134
B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Development of waste fees 2005 ff - Influences and effects
In: F. Krause, H. Haase (Eds.): 10th Magdeburg Urban Waste Management Conference 2005: Views and Prospects, 1st to 2nd September 2005, Companion volume of the Magdeburg specialist conference, LOGiSCH GmbH Magdeburg (publisher), p. 53-60
B. Bilitewski - Formation of leachate from solid municipal waste
Lecture at the conference "Parcerias Àgua&Ambiente RESÍDUOS" organized by água&ambiente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Technical University of Dresden from July 5-7, 2005 in Lisbon, published in the proceedings in English
B. Bilitewski - Treatment and Logistics. Cost estimation for the construction and operation of waste treatment plants
Lecture at the conference "Parcerias Àgua&Ambiente RESÍDUOS" organized by água&ambiente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Technical University of Dresden from July 5-7, 2005 in Lisbon, published in the proceedings in English
B. Bilitewski - Implementation of cause-based waste fees and experiences in the city of Dresden
Lecture at the conference "Parcerias Àgua&Ambiente RESÍDUOS" organized by água&ambiente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Technical University of Dresden from July 5-7, 2005 in Lisbon, published in the proceedings in English
J. Reichenbach - Options for the introduction of cause-based fees
Lecture as part of the "Parcerias Àgua&Ambiente RESÍDUOS" conference organized by água&ambiente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Dresden University of Technology from July 5-7, 2005 in Lisbon, published in the conference proceedings in English
U. Mantau, J. Wagner, J. Baumann - Material Flow Model for Wood - Determination of the Occurrence, Use, and Fate of Wood Products
in: Waste and Garbage No. 06/2005, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 309-315
B. Bilitewski - Material Flow of Paper in the Federal Republic of Germany
in: Waste and Garbage No. 06/2005, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 292-297
Bilitewski, M. Günther - Optimization of Collection and Transport of Waste from Households and Industry through the Use of Logistical Performance Data
in: A. Urban, G. Halm, M. Weber (Eds.) Optimization of Waste Logistics, Kassel Waste Logistics Days, Publication Series of the Waste Technology Department at the University of Kassel, June 2005, pp. 111-120
B. Bilitewski - Landfill technology in the GDR - What was positive?
Lecture as part of the 2005 Specialist Conference "End of the Landfill Era" organized by the Thuringian Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservancy and Environment in Gera and the AWV Waste Management Association East Thuringia on May 31, 2005 in Gera, published in the conference proceedings
J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski - Can Economic Motivations Enhance Citizen´s Efforts for Waste Reduction and Diversion?
in: Peter Lechner (Ed.): Waste Management in the Focus of Controversial Interests, Proceedings of the 1st BOKU Waste Conference, April 1-6, 2005 in Vienna, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG Wien Austria, pp. 37-44
U. Mantau, J. Wagner - Material Flow Analysis of Wood in Germany - Sustainable Use or Waste?
in: B. Bilitewski, A. I. Urban, M. Faulstich (Eds.): Thermal Waste Treatment, Proceedings of the 10th Professional Conference, February 22-23, 2005 in Berlin, Publication Series of the Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment, Volume 40, distributed by the Forum for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment e.V. at the TU Dresden Pirna Copitz Branch, 2005, pp. 79-80
B. Bilitewski - Future of Separate Collection, Especially of Waste Paper
Lecture on January 26, 2005 at the Workshop "Future of Separate Collection," Institute of Urban Water Management, Water Quality and Waste Management, University of Stuttgart, pp. 35-44
Th. Th. Kügler, J. Wagner - Opportunities and Risks of Identification Systems in Waste Collection
Lecture at the event of the Environmental Protection Agency of Saxony-Anhalt "Waste Balance of the State of Saxony-Anhalt for the Year 2004" on January 20, 2005 in Halle/Saale
R. Fuhrmann, J. Wagner - Separate Collection of Bulky Waste and Waste Wood
in: Hösel/Schenkel/Bilitewski/Schnurer (Eds.): Waste Manual, KZ 2981 Erich Schmidt Verlag, January 2005, 9 pages
J. Wagner - The Impact of Current Legal Regulations on Waste Wood Disposal
Specialist article on www.svu-online.de.
B. Bilitewski, M. Günther, A. Janz - Logistical and Technical expenses associated with a "Dry Bin" system - Exemplary Analysis in a Large City
in: Waste and Garbage No. 11/2004, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 528-533
Th. Kügler - Options for Influencing Municipal Waste Fees
Lecture at the workshop "Strategies for Urban Development - Reduction of Fees for Municipal Wastewater, Drinking Water and Solid Waste" in Bonn on November 2, 2004
J. Lucas, M. Günther, M. Ugolnikova - Series of experiments on waste prevention during construction of new buildings
Lecture at the national WAMBUCO conference on October 12, 2004 in Berlin, published in the conference proceedings
B. Bilitewski, M. Günther - Sent through the Underground - Assessment of Pneumatic Waste Collection Systems
in: ENTSORGA Magazine Waste, Wastewater, Air & Soil, October 2004 issue, Deutscher Fachverlag Frankfurt/Main, pp. 31-33
M. Klann, M. Günther, C. Gurol, K. Lipsmeier - First European Waste Manual in the Field of High-Rise Construction
in: wlb - Water, Air, Soil, No. 10/2004, Verlag für Technik & Wirtschaft VTW GmbH & Co. KG, pp. 48-50
in: Waste and Garbage No. 10/2004, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 476-481
R. Fuhrmann, J. Wagner - Effects of the Waste Wood Ordinance on Bulky Waste Collection - Separate Collection of Waste Wood as an Economic Alternative
in: Waste and Garbage No. 11/2003, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, pp. 568-571
J. Wagner, B. Bilitewski - Handling of Waste and Sludge during Extreme Flood Events with Regards to Groundwater Contamination
in: Groundwater Post-Flood Monitoring Dresden, Scientific Conference on the BMBF Research Project on October 8, 2003 in Dresden
J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski - Variable Pricing Schemes in Urban Waste Management - A Way to Ecnhance the Reduction of Waste for Final Disposal and Polluter Responsibility
in: T.D. Lekkas (Ed): 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technologie, Conference Proceedings, Myrina, Lemnos Island 8.-10.09.2003, p. 61ff.
B. Bilitewski - Sorting Analysis as a Means of Data Acquisition
Lecture at the Expert Forum "Disposable Packaging - Regulatory Requirements in Practical Testing" organized by the "Independent Experts of Producer Responsability and Packaging Disposal" (USV e.V.) Sarstedt on September 29-30, 2003 in Mannheim, published in the conference proceedings
B. Bilitewski, Th. Kügler - Collection of Waste Paper, Secondary Fuels, and Waste Wood Market
Lecture at the theme day "Paper in the Cycle" of the German Paper Industry Association (VDP) in Bonn as part of the ENTSORGA trade fair on September 23, 2003 in Cologne, published in the conference proceedings
B. Bilitewski - Waste and Sustainability in Europe
in: T.D. Lekkas (Ed): 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technologie, Conference Proceedings, Myrina, Lemnos Island 8.-10.09.2003, p. 3
in: Scientific Journal of the Technical University of Dresden, Issue 1-2/2003, pp. 79-81
B. Bilitewski - Waste and Sustainability in Europe
in: F. Convery, J. Feehan (Ed.): Achievement and Challenge Rio+10 and Ireland, the Environmental Institute, University College Dublin, 2002, p. 332-337
B. Bilitewski - Costs and Economic Viability of Plant Systems for Mechanical-Biological Municipal Waste Disposal
in: ATV-DVK (Ed.): ATV Handbook "Mechanical and Biological Waste Treatment Processes," Ernst&Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH, Berlin 2002, pp. 531-538
B. Bilitewski (Co-editor) - Waste Management
International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science & Technology, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, USA, since 2002
B. Bilitewski - PIUS in Selected Industries in Saxony
in: State Conference "Efficiency Enhancement through Production-Integrated Environmental Protection (PIUS) - Initiatives and Projects in Federal and State Governments" by the Efficiency Agency NRW in cooperation with the Ministry for Environment and Nature Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the Country North-Rhine/Westphalia on December 4-5, 2002, in Duisburg, published in the conference proceedings, Section B
J. Niestroj, J. Reichenbach, B. Bilitewski - Wood qualities of demolition wood for thermal utilization
in: VDI Seminar "Use of Biomass in Combustion and Gasification Plants" by VDI Wissensforum GmbH Düsseldorf on November 7-8, 2002, in Freiberg, published in the seminar proceedings
B. Bilitewski - From waste producer to the paper factory - a path with obstacles
in: INTECUS GmbH, [Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & Coll.] (Eds.): Collection and Recycling of Municipal Waste Paper, Lecture at the Workshop of the same name on September 17, 2002, in Dresden and on November 5, 2002, in Potsdam, published in the workshop materials
B. Bilitewski Recycling facilities for municipal und commercial solid waste (in German only)
Supplements to Muell und Abfall, No. 21, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1985
B. Bilitewski, G. Härdtle, K. Marek, A. Schulz Recycling of demolition waste and asphalt (in German only)
Supplements to Muell und Abfall, No. 23, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1986
G. Härdtle, K. Marek, B. Bilitewski, K. Kijewski Recycling of plastic waste (in German only)
Supplements to Muell und Abfall, No. 27, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1988
G. Härdtle, K. Marek, B. Bilitewski, K. Kijewski Recycling of plastic waste (in German only)
Beihefte zu Müll und Abfall, No. 27, 2nd edition , Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1991
B. Bilitewski, A. Gewiese, G. Härdtle, K. Marek Recycling of demolition waste and asphalt (in German only)
Supplements to Muell und Abfall, No. 30, 2nd edition, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1990
B. Bilitewski, A. Gewiese, G. Härdtle, K. Marek Avoidance and utilization of waste in the construction sector (in German only)
Supplements to Muell und Abfall, Heft 30, 3rd edition, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1995
G. Härdtle, K. Marek, B. Bilitewski, Ch. Gorr Used car recycling (in German only)
Supllements to Muell und Abfall, No. 32, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1994
BWK-Arbeitsgruppe "Restabfallbehandlung", B. Bilitewski, R. Stegmann Mechanical-biological procedures for material-specific waste disposal (in German only)
Supllements to Muell und Abfall, No. 33, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1997
Waste management and environmental integrative management
Engineering company for technical environmental protection