The Article 12 para. 1 of the European Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment establishes an annual information obligation for operators who place electrical (electronic) equipment on the market and collect, reuse, export and treat waste electrical and electronic equipment in the Member State. Every two years, Member States report the aggregated data to the European Commission in the form of a report in accordance with Commission Decision 2005/369/EC. The fifth reporting period covers the years 2013 and 2014. The associated report on the implementation of the collection and recovery targets for WEEE is to be submitted to the European Commission by June 30, 2016. In Germany, the parties required to report report quantities placed on the market and quantities collected and treated to the Joint Body, the stiftung elektroaltgeräte register® (stiftung ear). In addition, the statistical offices of the federal states collect quantities of WEEE taken back and treated at primary treatment facilities on the basis of the Environmental Statistics Act (UStatG) and forward them to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The documented data from both reporting channels are combined in this report, which INTECUS prepared for the Federal Environment Agency for the year 2013. The data obtained on the quantities of WEEE taken back and treated show that Germany reliably meets all the quotas laid down in WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC, but also that the legal requirements of the amended WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU are not yet fully complied with. The amendment of ElektroG II, which is to be transposed into German law, will be used as a basis for making the necessary adjustments to the reporting channels.
- 29.03.2016
Analysis of data collection according to ElektroG published over the reporting year 2013

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