Circular economy concepts and plans
As an experienced service provider, we understand “circular economy” not just as a buzzword, but as a guideline for the most careful use of resources and achievable economic effects. Equipped with a wealth of experience, good practical insights and clear legal orientation, we develop resilient circular economy concepts tailored to your individual needs. We offer comprehensive consulting services that combine competencies in municipal consulting with technical know-how and understanding of fee-financed services. We also help you design and restructure integrated waste strategies to ensure efficient use of energy and resources.

As an experienced service provider, we understand “circular economy” not just as a buzzword, but as a guideline for the most careful use of resources and achievable economic effects. Equipped with a wealth of experience, good practical insights and clear legal orientation, we develop resilient circular economy concepts tailored to your individual needs. We offer comprehensive consulting services that combine competencies in municipal consulting with technical know-how and understanding of fee-financed services. We also help you design and restructure integrated waste strategies to ensure efficient use of energy and resources.
Our services in the area of circular economy concepts and plans include:
- Preparation of waste management plans and concepts
- Advising industry, politics and business on the design of integrated waste strategiesv
- Support in the implementation of municipal waste management plansv
- Development of concepts to avoid waste and increase the recycling rate
- Consulting on raw material management and energy saving issues
- Beratung in Fragen des Rohstoffmanagements und der Energieeinsparung
- Development of concepts to reduce the environmental impact of waste treatment plants.
- Consultation on issues of immission control and the approval of waste treatment plants
- Support for the introduction of “Green Procurement” strategies and measures
- Development of concepts for integrating waste prevention and recycling into operational management.
Excerpt of our references in the field of circular economy concepts and plans:
Update of the waste management concept for the district of Märkisch-Oderland from 2013
EMO Waste Disposal Company Märkisch-Oderland, Strausberg
Optimization of waste collection at the US Army Garrison (UASG) Ansbach site
ERM GmbH, Neu-Isenburg
Preparation of the waste management concept 2020 -2025 (2030) of the waste management association Chemnitz
Waste Management Association Chemnitz
Update of the conception for the disposal of waste from municipal wastewater treatment in the Free State of Saxony (sewage sludge conception) (Update sewage sludge conception 2015).
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
6th update of the waste management concept of the state capital Dresden
State Capital Dresden, Office for Urban Green Space and Waste Management
Evaluation of future options for the disposal of residual waste and bulky waste in the district of Central Saxony from 2025 onwards
EKM Entsorgungsdienste Kreis Mittelsachsen GmbH, Freiberg
Update of the waste management concept for the district of Mittelsachsen 2021-2026
EKM Entsorgungsdienste Kreis Mittelsachsen GmbH, Freiberg
Biowaste recycling concept for the district of Hameln-Pyrmont
KAW KreisAbfallWirtschaft LK Hameln-Pyrmont
Concept for the disposal of residual waste of the state capital Dresden as of 01 July 2020
State Capital Dresden, Office for Urban Green Space and Waste Management
Update of the waste prevention program – development of the basis for the update of the waste prevention program on the basis of an analysis and evaluation of the implementation status
UBA Federal Environmental Agency Dessau-Rosslau
Development of a waste management concept for the district of Hameln-Pyrmont
KreisAbfallWirtschaft Hameln-Pyrmont district
Life Cycle Assessment Comparison of Biowaste Management in the Schmalkalden-Meiningen Districtv
County of Schmalkalden-Meiningenv
Project management for the introduction of the organic waste garbage can
County Spree-Neiße
Inventory and evaluation of measures to promote reuse and preparation for reuse in Saxony.
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
Development of the waste management concept for the city of Weimar
Municipal Service Weimar
Development of a concept for the introduction of separate bio-waste collection in the district of Spree-Neiße
District of Spree-Neiße, Waste Management Company, Forst (Lausitz)
Presentation and evaluation of avoidance measures for food waste for the Free State of Saxony
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
Implementation of § 11 para. 1 Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act with special consideration of self-recycling and illegal bio-waste disposal.v
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
Preparation and drafting of the waste management concept within the meaning of § 6 BbgAbfBodG for the Havelland district for the period from 2015 to 2019
Havelland district, Rathenow
Organization and content development of proposed measures for the workshop series Waste Prevention in the Construction Industry Baden-Württemberg
State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe
Update of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Waste Management Plan
Ministry of Economics, Construction and Tourism Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schwerin
Updating the allocation of inhabitants to development structures in the state capital Dresden
State Capital Dresden, Office for Urban Green Space and Waste Management
Creation of a waste management concept for the Vogtland district
Vogtlandkreis District Office, Waste Management Department
Creation of a waste management concept for the district of Mittelsachsen
EKM Entsorgungsdienste Kreis Mittelsachsen GmbH
Accompaniment of the decision-making process of the Erzgebirgskreis regarding the future organization of waste management
District Office Erzgebirgskreis, Department of Environment, Rural Development and Forestry
Preparation of a study on the future design of biowaste recycling for the state capital Dresden
State Capital Dresden, Office for Urban Green Space and Waste Management
Preparation of a unifying waste management concept for the Erzgebirgskreis for the period 2012-2022
District Office Erzgebirgskreis, Department of Environment, Rural Development and Forestry, Marienberg
Preparation of a potential study on the generation and treatment of biogenic waste in the Free State of Saxony
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Dresden
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of different systems for the collection of recovered paper
VDP – Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken e.V. (Association of German Paper Mills), Bonn
Potential analysis of commercial waste disposal for a special purpose waste association
Examination of the results of a feasibility study on a residual waste treatment plant for a special-purpose waste association with regard to economic viability.
DZV Landfill Special Purpose Association Eiterköpfe, Koblenz
Investigation into the further development of the collection system for bulky waste – sorting, sorting, logistical scenario consideration
City of Krefeld, Department of Environment
Review of the collection of recyclable materials in the state capital Dresden for disposal in line with requirements with regard to planning, implementation options and execution
State Capital Dresden, Office for Urban Green Space and Waste Management
Fourth update of the waste management concept for the state capital Dresden
State Capital Dresden, Office for Waste Management and City Cleaning
Feasibility study on the introduction of ident technology for residual waste collection
City of Bad Vilbel
Contact now
Waste management and environmental integrative management
Pohlandstr. 17
01309 Dresden - +49 351 31823-0
- +49 351 31823-33
Engineering company for technical environmental protection
Iser Street 8-10
14513 Teltow - +49 3328 4798990
- +49 3328 4798991