Together with Stakeholder Reporting and the Wuppertal Institute, INTECUS supported the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in updating the waste prevention program. The final report has now been published. Part 1 of the report is dedicated to the support services for the update of the waste prevention program, part 2 describes the public participation process and the conception and practical implementation of a landing page on the BMU homepage as well as a citizens’ brochure with tips on waste prevention. Part 3 deals with measures and communication recommendations to prevent littering, while Part 4 discusses measures and communication recommendations to improve the separation of municipal waste. INTECUS was mainly responsible for parts 3 and 4. The research project was characterized by a practical and implementation-oriented approach, which is reflected both in the cooperation between the BMU and the contractors and in the results. There was also close cooperation between the project partners – especially in Part 3 and Part 4. This made it possible to link scientific findings with implementation-oriented communication recommendations.
- 19.04.2021
Support in the updating of the waste prevention program

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